If you are living in Alicante for some time, have access to a car and speak some Spanish, the possibilities for activities are endless. Drive-in cinemas in Spain are not popular and in Muchamiel, Alicante there are one of the very few you can find in all Spain. Welcome to the Drive-in Cinema Autocine El Sur.
Drive-in Cinema Autocine El Sur
Drive-in cinemas are not common in Spain. The newspaper El Pais says there are only 7 drive-in cinemas in all the country and few of them don’t even open during all the year. In Alicante province we have a couple, being Autocine El Sur the best prepared.
Autocine El Sur is translated into Drive-in Cinema The South. It is situated in Muchamiel, Alicante, just about 6.2mi (10km) away from Alicante city centre. The best way to go is by car.
The place is a small hill itself. The terrain is prepared so the car will sit fla. The other cars in front of you won’t create any difficulty for you to watch the screen. It is because you will be in a higher position.
How to Enjoy the Most Depending on the Season
During winter you might want to watch the movie from inside the car as it will be cold outside. You will be able to catch a FM frequency for listening to the movies from inside the card.
During summer many people will get beach cheers and tables and sit in front of the car. They will probably prepare some food and popcorn to eat. If not, you can buy burgers and drinks from the bar. You will be listening to the movie wiht the speakers are distributed along all the area
Even if in Alicante it is super hot during the night in summer and you wear shorts and t-shirts 24/7, you should really get a jacket if you want to watch a movie outside the car. It is amazing how temperatures drops when you go a bit away from the sea and the cities.
The Films
The drive-in cinema Autocine el Sur will always show 2 movies in a row. They really catch up with brand new movies that are launched in traditional cinemas but charging like if you were going to watch only one movie on a traditional cinema.
Depending on the period of the year the starting show time will change. In summer they need to start a bit later so it gets dark enough to have a good image quality when using the projector. In winter they will start earlier so you can go home after watching the two movies.
If you want to know about the films, the schedule, the price, location and everything else you can go to their website and their Facebook page. They do have a twitter as well.
I hope you learnt something cool in this article. If you have been to the drive-in cinema or you have any question, please, leave a comment!
Hey, I am Victor Sesma, the Alicantinian living in London.
The duality of living in both worlds helps me understand what people need to know about Alicante. My first-hand experience about the city I am from helps me write the most useful resources on the internet about Alicante.
I work as a Software Engineer and thrive writing about the city I was born.