The weather in November in Alicante is one of the factors we need to take into account if we want to visit or move to the city in that month. Fortunately, the weather in Alicante is privileged and November is a sunny month in the area. Let’s going to jump into more details.
The average temperature of November in Alicante is 20°C (68°F) in the maximum range and 10°C (50°F) in the minimum. But averages mean that you can get hotter days and colder days. It won’t be rare to enjoy a 25°C (77°F) in the middle of November if you are lucky. Alicante is warm in fall and winter.
This is how it looked at El Postiguet beach on the first Sunday of November 2022:
Light Hours
But the temperature is not everything. The rainy season happens right after Summer is over and the Sun usually shines on the sky. Alicante’s weather in November gives an average of 10h of light per day and a whopping 5.8h of direct sun irradiation per day on average to its inhabitants and visitors. To get some context, in a great city like London, UK, November gives 9h of light and only 2.4h of sun irradiation per day in a way colder and wetter weather with a weaker sun as its northern latitude.
The Rain is not Really an Issue
Rain rarely occurs in November. It is still somehow in the high range of the year average with 3.8 days of rain on average. If it is going to rain, there are more chances that it happens in November than in July but chances are still super low. To have some more context, a great city like Manchester, UK, has 14.1 days of rain in November on average.
Hopefully, we have now a better idea of how is the weather in November in Alicante, Spain. If you have any other question that was not answered or you want to share how is the weather where you live and the weather in your dream city, please, use the comments system below.
Hey, I am Victor Sesma, the Alicantinian living in London.
The duality of living in both worlds helps me understand what people need to know about Alicante. My first-hand experience about the city I am from helps me write the most useful resources on the internet about Alicante.
I work as a Software Engineer and thrive writing about the city I was born.