The weather in Alicante in January averages a minimum of 6.3°C (43.34°F) and a maximum of a whopping 17°C (62.6°F). There are 8 days of full sunrise with no clouds as it rains only an average of 3.6 days in the complete month. The other days tend to be just partly cloudy. There is an average of 9.5 hours of sunlight per day. The temperature very rarely goes down to 0°C (32°F) or less, with an average of 0.4 days in the month. January is the coldest month in Alicante. All this data is based on the Aemet page for Alicante (in Spanish).
Weather –
So is Alicante a good place to visit in January? The answer is yes, let’s see how it compares to other cities and what to do in Alicante in January.
The average water temperature in January in Alicante is 14.5°C (58.1°F). January is the second coldest month in the water temperature in Alicante.
One of the advantages of Alicante’s weather during January is the sun in the mornings. It gets up to 17°C on average, so on some lucky days, it can get warmer than that (keep in mind that if you are not lucky it can be also cold). Brave people might enjoy swimming on the beaches of Alicante on those warm days but it is not warm enough for most people.
If you are just looking for sunbathing then the beaches in January are a good place to do so. The beaches are open all year round but some services such as lifeguards, toilets or sunbeds are not available in the low season.
Another good advantage about the beaches in Alicante in January is that are not crowded, therefore you can have virtually all the beach for yourself.
What to Wear in Alicante in January?
The temperature in Alicante in January changes a lot when comparing the daytime with the nighttime. In the early morning and night, you will most probably need trousers and a warm jacket. In the daytime, brave people can wear a T-shirt and shorts when it is sunny and not windy, but it is safer to wear trousers and a T-shirt with a light jacket.
In degrees, this means the early morning and night can get cold. Expect most days something between roughly 4°C-10°C. During the daytime, you can expect temperatures around 15°C-20°C most days.
To summarise, get these different clothes for Alicante if visiting in January: Jumpers, jackets/coats, t-shirts and trousers.
Is Alicante Worth Visit in January?
Despite being a bit cold for swimming on the beach, Alicante in January is a good time for visiting the city. Most probably the weather is going to treat you well giving you warm mornings in the surprisingly good weather in winter in Alicante.
Furthermore, it is still the festive season in the country. Christmas in Spain ends with the Three Wise Men or Three Kings celebration on the 5th-6th of January.
Traditionally in Spain, the 6th of January is the day when the children get their Christmas presents. On the night of the 5th, there is a big parade on the street where the Three Kings salute the children throwing sweets and presents at them. The parade is on the night of the 5th of January.
The Three Wise Men Tradition in Alicante
The night of the 5th to the 6th of January is the night of the “Three Wise Men” or “Reyes Magos“ in Spanish. In 2023, Alicante’s parade starts on the 5th of January at 7 pm.
Every single city across the country has big parades designed for children -and everyone else who never grew up- full of colour, music and movement. The show includes the 3 Wise Men (Reyes Magos) Sitting and greeting inside big floats during the parade route.
Artwork of The Three Wise Men Parading at La Explanada. OpenAI Dall-e Artwork.
That night, the children in Spain wake up to a Christmas Tree with a lot of presents underneath. Spaniards might also give some presents on Christmas Eve
In Alicante, The Three Wise Men arrive from the sea -a few years ago they used to arrive by helicopter-. Then move to Plaza de Toros to greet all the children from there and start parading from Diputacion.
One of the Three Wise Meen Gretting a girl at Alicante’s Port
At 18:00: The Wise Men meet and greet at Plaza de Toros.
At 19:00: Alicante’s Three Wise Men Parade starts.
Plaza de Toros Greeting Price and Fees
To enter the greeting in Plaza de Toros is free but it is necessary to have a ticket. It can be picked up starting on the 27th of December (2023) at midday in Concejalia de Fiestas (corner with Rambla). There are a total of 6000 tickets.
Parace Price and Fees
To watch the parade is completely free. Only if you want to sit you will need to pay. The tickets for the parade are sold at but all the seats get sold very fast right after the sales opening.
The Parade
There were different stages on the parade in 2024:
The big thing is Alicante in January is still Christmas. Spain has a big tradition of celebrating “The Three Wise Men” but is not the only thing to do in Alicante in January.
Alicante is a nice Spanish working city with tourism that doesn’t stop in the low season. The links open the article with more info, when available:
Enjoy the Christmas Funfair in Rabasa
Amusement parks or funfairs are always an enjoyable experience. Alicante has a funfair that is mounted every year in Rabasa.
Christmas Funfar in Alicante
In the 2023-2024 season, the funfair opens from the 2nd of December to the 21st of January. They will open every day from the 17th until late at night. On most Sundays and bank holidays, they will open in the morning as well, from 11:30 to 14:30.
The tickets for a ride vary from 3.50€ to 5€.
Christmas Funfar Rides in Alicante
Transport to the Christmas Funfair
The Chirmtas funfair in Alicante is at Rabasa, close to stores such as Decathlon:
The easiest way to get there is by car. The funfair has a big dirt parking lot:
Parking Lot at the Christmas Funfair in Alicante
But there are also public transport buses and Tramlines stopping near Alicante’s funfair:
TRAM line 2 from Luceros to San Vicente. Stop Ciudad Jardin. Then it is a 15-minute walk
Bus Line 24 to San Vicente. Stop at Santa Isabel I. Then it is a 13-minute walk
Bus line 04 to Cementerio. Stop Divina Pastora. Then it is a 15-minute walk
Join A Walking Tour for The Best Glimpse to Alicante
Tours are always a good way to understand the city’s souls in a short time. Doing a tour helps understand how to enjoy a better experience in Alicante.
Get to Know the City in a Walking Tour
Tours are always a very good way to get a sense of the soul of a city. Alicante’s tour will teach you history, culture and gastronomy.
What Else to Do in Alicante in January
Here are a few more examples of things you can do in Alicante during the first month of the year.
Attend the 3 Wise Men parade in Alicante centre on the 5th at night
Hey, I am Victor Sesma, the Alicantinian living in London.
The duality of living in both worlds helps me understand what people need to know about Alicante. My first-hand experience about the city I am from helps me write the most useful resources on the internet about Alicante.
I work as a Software Engineer and thrive writing about the city I was born.